With so many responsibilities and so much pressure to perform, it is easy to develop tunnel vision. We focus exclusively on ourselves and our dreams and desires.
Submission to the mission is how we accomplish God’s plans and purposes through every generation. He equips and empowers us to do His work in every age. What part will you play?
God is consistent and constant. Praise Him…even in the middle of the storm. Your praise demonstrates your trust and invites Him to your side. Bless the Lord at all times.
We need only whisper His name to be ushered into the throne room where we can meet face-to-face. Call on Him at any time – all the time – with an attitude of expectancy. Cultivate a continuous attitude of prayer.
Jesus is our true Shepherd, and we are His sheep. He calls us by name and leads us in His paths. We recognize His voice because we have spent time in His presence. His whisper has calmed our fears in the deep of night. His warning cry has kept our feet from the edge of the cliff.
When you have an important presentation at work...Pray. When you need wisdom to parent your child...Pray. As you talk with a friend devastated by a divorce...Pray. As you contemplate a financial investment...Pray.
Nothing is too small to request God’s assistance. If He has counted the hairs on your head, He is in the details that seem insignificant to others. Nothing is too big to request God’s assistance. He specializes in impossibilities.
Even when it is not politically correct, have faith in God. Even when it is not socially acceptable, have faith in God. Your faith will open the door for God to pour out His grace on you and your family.
When interruptions hijack our plans, let’s trust in the God Who writes every single page of our story. Let’s walk expectantly into the detour that He lays out before us.