Today's Scripture 1 John 5:14

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

Prayer is a privilege. Prayer is powerful. It rearranges our attitude and pulls us into alignment with the will of God.

For too many, prayer feels like an awkward encounter with a stranger. But prayer can flow as easily as a comfortable conversation with an old friend. As natural as breathing in and breathing out, it runs like an electrical current throughout our days and nights.

Communicating with our Father should become such a habit that we do not even realize we are praying. This inhaling and exhaling of petitions is an open invitation to Jesus to breathe His life into every situation.

When you have an important presentation at work...Pray. When you need wisdom to parent your child...Pray. As you talk with a friend devastated by a divorce...Pray. As you contemplate a financial investment...Pray.

Nothing is too small to request God’s assistance. If He has counted the hairs on your head, He is in the details that seem insignificant to others. Nothing is too big to request God’s assistance. He specializes in impossibilities.

Partner with God in prayer today. Listen for His still, small voice and watch for His answers in response to the constant outcry of your heart.