Today's Scripture Colossians 4:2

Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving…

Paul encouraged us to pray without ceasing. Prayer aligns our attitude with God.

Prayer may be the most overlooked and underutilized gift that God gave us. Imagine the power we possess when we pray! How was the New Testament church built? Prayer. What healed the sick? Prayer. What brought revival fires in the past? Prayer.

Prayer is more than a nursery rhyme that our children recite at bedtime, a monotonous chant, or a religious ritual to check off of our to-do lists. Prayer is a privilege.

In the Old Testament, the Israelites did not have immediate access to God. They could approach Him through the priest, in a particular place on a particular day in a particular way. Only then could they make their requests known.

When Jesus died on Calvary, God tore the veil in the Temple from top to bottom. He ripped apart the barrier between us. Jesus, our High Priest, became our once-and-for-all sacrifice, and He now sits at God’s right hand to intercede for us.

We need only whisper His name to be ushered into the throne room where we can meet face-to-face. Call on Him at any time – all the time – with an attitude of expectancy. Cultivate a continuous attitude of prayer.