Today's Scripture Mark 11:22

So Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Have faith in God.

What is the one thing in your life that opens up the door of opportunity for God to pour out His grace on you and your family?

It's not your works. You can carry the biggest Bible and quote scripture, but all of our righteousness – the good things that we do in our own power – is like filthy rags in the sight of God. We cannot earn salvation.

You can drive the nicest car on your street and live in the biggest house, but finances will eventually fail.

It's not your educational background. Even with prestigious degrees, you will collide with a question that no earthly wisdom can answer.

It is not your influence. No matter the awards you have achieved or the accolades you have received, God is not impressed.

Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord because of his faith. When the rest of the world thumbed their noses at God, Noah had faith. When they scorned him, he continued to hammer the nails. When they whispered as he walked down the street, he prayed harder and praised louder.

Even when it is not politically correct, have faith in God. Even when it is not socially acceptable, have faith in God. Your faith will open the door for God to pour out His grace on you and your family.