DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 22, 2024

God gives us victory over our enemies if we listen to and obey Him. He will fight for us, and while we wait, we can expect to see Him do great things and look forward to them.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 21, 2024

God sent Elijah to stand before the evil Israelite king, Ahab. At God’s prompting, Elijah boldly declared that no rain or dew would fall in the land of Israel until he said the word.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 20, 2024

Elijah and Elisha were two men who served God and made every day count. When the whole world opposed them, they believed in the One Who called them. They shaped the world for the glory of God.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 19, 2024

Jesus Christ nailed your sin to the Cross. He nailed your past to the Cross. You are not a patched-up, somewhat-improved version of your old self. All the old things passed away, and He made all things brand new. You are a new creation!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 18, 2024

We were never promised a primrose path on this earth. We were, however, promised that in Him we could find peace. If we will seek Him, Jesus will carry our burdens no matter how great our load and make a way where none seems to be. He knows our end from the beginning.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 17, 2024

The day Jesus died on the Cross looked like a day of total defeat, when in fact it was a day of total victory! From a human perspective, it looked as if the enemy had won. The soldiers were mocking Him. His robe was torn and sold. The sky was gray and dismal. All hope seemed lost.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 16, 2024

For those of us whose citizenship is in heaven, we have a conquering King! He marched out to battle against Satan at Calvary. He disarmed every principality and power, stripped away their ability to steal, kill, and destroy; He publicly exposed them as powerless. Like those long-ago citizens of Rome, let us lift up our voices to wildly celebrate our conquering Lord of lords and King of kings!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 15, 2024

Before we come to the Cross, the ground of our soul is in question. Our eternal destiny is uncertain. Satan fights ferociously to capture and carry us to hell. Jesus was lifted up on the Cross, hoisted above the battle. His death means certain victory for all who accept His invitation for life everlasting.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | April 14, 2024

Graphic portrayals of Jesus’ journey to Calvary abound. He was arrested, taken, and crucified. However, Jesus made it clear in John 10:18 that no one took His life from Him. He chose to lay it down!