DAILY DEVOTIONAL | August 9, 2024

The world is not hungry for mediocrity when we are merely doing an average job in life. This world needs people striving for excellence. I believe everyone can be a 10 at something, but we often work so hard on trying to overcome our weaknesses that we never develop our strengths.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | August 7, 2024

Have you ever regretted something you said as soon as the words were out of your mouth? You can't take back the words you speak to others—and words can damage relationships.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | August 6, 2024

Today's Scripture | 1 Peter 4:12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. No one who does anything worthwhile for God has traveled an easy road. Doing great things for God requires...

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | August 5, 2024

God does not want you on the performance treadmill. He wants you to feel good about yourself whether you perform perfectly or not. He doesn’t want you to be filled with pride, but He certainly did not create you to reject yourself.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | August 4, 2024

The psalmist David confessed that he was a work of God and that God’s work is indeed wonderful. Most of us would cringe at the thought of confessing that we are wonderful, but we need to accept and love ourselves as God’s creation and children.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | August 3, 2024

Doing what one believes to be right will always increase confidence. You can't go wrong when you keep God as the focus of your life. Follow the example of the Proverbs 31 woman. She gives us tremendous insight in how to be the best and most confident homemaker, wife, and mother we can be.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL | August 2, 2024

James teaches us that we can rejoice when we find ourselves caught up in difficult situations, knowing that God is trying our faith to bring out patience.  Patience is a tough one, we like things now, we like answers now, we like resolution...now!