Today's Scripture Hebrews 6:10

For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

It is so easy to get tired and burned out.  You work hard at work, you work hard at home and wonder if anyone notices, or even cares?

Not only does God remember you, He remembers the work that you do in His name. He promises a reward for those unseen tasks that no one else recognizes.

Something as small as giving a cup of cold water to a little one in His name does not escape His notice (Mark 9:41). He recognizes these tasks as a labor of love given out of our deep appreciation for all that Jesus has done for us.

Each of us has some ministry to fulfill for the Lord – no matter how small. The key is to do it in His name and for His glory. If we desire credit or recognition for our work, we are not doing it for His glory – but our own.

A labor of love is completed with excellence. We pour our very best efforts into every task we undertake. He is worthy of the finest we have to give. 

Our verse today mentions the ministry to the saints in the past and the continued ministry in the present. A labor of love is an ongoing effort. We must be committed to advancing the Kingdom.

Keep up the labor of love for God!  Even when no one else notices, He sees you there. And He will not forget.