Today's Scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:18
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Taking time to appreciate all that we’ve been forgiven of also helps us to forgive others. Basking in God’s great love toward us enables us to love other people. We can forgive others because He first forgave us. We can overlook other people’s faults because He overlooks ours. You may say you love the Lord, but God wants to know if you love Him enough to overlook what others have done to you. You say you love the Lord, but unless you can love those whom you can see, how can you love a God you cannot see? Don’t tell me you love God if you have an attitude with your neighbor, or a race of people, or your mother-in-law.
Don’t tell me you love God if you can’t forgive someone in your family, or in your church, or where you work. You have to stop and ask yourself, “Do I need to make some changes?” Is this what Jesus would do?