Today's Scripture Psalm 143:5

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse on the work of Your hands.

As the year draws to a close, a wonderful opportunity exists to ponder the events of the past year and prepare for the promise of a new year.

Set aside some time to remember God’s faithfulness. Look for the places where His hand has been at work, where you have experienced breakthrough and abundance.

It is easy to see Him in your relationships, births, promotions, and celebrations. How amazing to find His love shining brightly – maybe more so – in the disappointments, death, or divorce?

The Israelites insisted on remembering God’s enduring compassion and undying faithfulness. They established memorials to remind themselves and their children. They sang songs, created dances, and penned poetry. They assembled altars, designated days of celebration, wrote in their record books, and offered sacrifices to God.

For them and the following generations, those memorials pointed to how the Lord delivered them from enemies, brought them through deep waters, and provided for every need.

Today, revisit the "yesterdays" of this year. Meditate and wonder at the work of His hands. Find a way to memorialize His goodness:  write it in your journal, sing a new song of worship, capture it in a photo. When your family or friends ask, tell them: “This is how God revealed Himself to me this year.”