Today's Scripture: 1 Peter 4:7-9

The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.

“Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another.” When we walk in love, we don’t condemn people when they fail. We all fail at one time or another and we are never more vulnerable than when we have just experienced failure. The last thing we need is for someone to rub it in or to announce our failure to the world.

So here’s the love test: When someone you love fails, do you expose that failure for all to see, or do you try to protect and support that loved one in spite of the failure? Just as God’s love covers our sin, when we love one another with the God-kind of love, we will cover each other in our failures.

Love is the key factor that identifies us as children of God. What was it Jesus said? Did Jesus say people would know us by our denomination? Did He say they would know us by the size of our buildings? No. He said they would know us by our love (see Jn. 13:35).

We can tell people all day long, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” but it means nothing if we don’t back it up with action. Actions speak louder than words. Talk is cheap. But putting on a heart of love and loving somebody who is not lovable always carries a cost.

Don’t tell me you love God if you hate your ex-wife. Don’t tell me you love God if you hate a race of people. Don’t tell me you love God if you hate your boss. Paul prayed that there would be no divisions among us. Division is evidence of lack of love. Christianity is supposed to be about kindness; it’s supposed to be about love; it’s supposed to be about not being judgmental. This may sound simple, but if you can learn the secret of the God-kind of love, you will be a spiritual hero.