Today's Scripture | Roman's 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In 2 Kings 5, we meet Naaman, commander of the Syrian army, a great and honorable man. He led his country to victory against the Assyrians and was a national hero.

Though he was a mighty man of valor, Naaman had leprosy. One of the most feared diseases in that day, leprosy was almost always incurable and led to death. What began as a small spot would spread to cover the skin and deaden the nerves. Often, lepers were quarantined to live in colonies outside of the cities.

This sickness was so consuming that it did not matter how much influence Naaman wielded, the important people with whom he associated, or the wealth that he had accumulated. Naaman knew it was a matter of life and death.

No matter how well things are going for us, we all have a spiritual leprosy called sin. No natural cure exists, and it always leads to death. If left unchecked, it will consume us until our consciences are deadened, and we are alienated from those we love.

The price for this sin-sickness is death, but God sent us the extraordinary gift of His Son to cover the debt that we owe. He washes us clean and gives us a new life with Him that will last forever.

A Prayer for You Today...

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. Praise God for His unspeakable gift – eternal life through His Son. May you be washed by His blood to walk in the newness of life!