Today's Scripture | Matthew 6:21

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The priorities that you choose wield great power in your life. They determine what you do and where you go; they decide your “Yes” and your “No's.”

Where are your treasures and your heart? Take a look at your calendar and checking account! Where do you invest your time and energy? Where do you spend your money? Those are the things you value most. Follow the treasure trail to find your heart.

God has mapped out the year before you. He has promises to fulfill, goals for you to accomplish, people for you to meet and connect with, new friends, and lessons to be learned. The priorities that you establish today will set you up to accomplish what God has ordained in every tomorrow! WOW!  I need to say that again, "The priorities that you establish TODAY will set you up to accomplish what God has ordained in every tomorrow!"

Take hold of the priorities that abound in God’s Word. More than just acknowledging His truth, your willingness to obey places you in the proper position to receive His blessings. These tried-and-true promises come from a God Who never fails.

Priorities are the keys to unlock the power and prosperity of God in every area of your life. Priorities apart from God are the keys that lock you into a penitentiary of what-might-have-been. Will you embrace the year that God has planned for you? The choice lies in the power of your priorities.

A Prayer for You Today...

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness above every other priority so that His promises for you will be fulfilled in the coming year. May He add every good thing to you! In Jesus' name, amen.