Today's Scripture | Psalm 50:15
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.
Each new year holds blessings and challenges, sunshine and rain, dreams and disappointments. We each experience seasons of lack and plenty, hurt and hope.
This is the ebb and flow of life, but trouble doesn't last always. When struggles emerge, they will not destroy us. What Satan intends for our demise, God will use it for our good, to strengthen us. Is it fun going through challenges or having setbacks? Absolutely not, but this is God's method for strenghtening us and taking us to our next season.
He knows how much strength we need for every battle. If God is for us—and He is!—who can be against us? Every battle boasts a victor, and we claim that title. No enemy can defeat us when God is our Defender. We are champions because of Christ’s work on the Cross.
When trouble brews, the Lord encourages us to call on Him. Asking for help is not a shameful thing! Shouting out to God is a sacred privilege, a divine right. Independent of God, we will never be big enough, strong enough, or capable enough to meet the fiery darts that the adversary hurls our way.
When we cry out to Him, we reach out to the only One capable of the impossible. So whatever challenges you are faced with today, God knows the end from the beginning, you will get through this. Take a deep breath, ask the Holy Spirit to help you, throw your shoulders back and know that you will get through this.
A Prayer for you Today:
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you His peace in every situation. Place your trust in the promises of a God who never fails. He will watch over and guide you. In due season, you will shout to God with a voice of triumph. In Jesus' name, amen.