Today's Scripture | Psalm 57:7
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise.
We all know a Negative Norman or a Debbie Downer. Bad, pessimistic attitudes accompanied by a constant stream of complaints! UGH!
They settle under a gray cloud and take great delight in raining on everyone else’s parade. They subsist on a diet of doubt and dissatisfaction, soaking up all the negativity around them. Their appetite for drama knows no end.
The Psalmist gave us a simple solution! When our hearts are fixed steadfastly on God, we cannot help but sing and give Him praise. Are we listening to the words of this world or the Word of God? Faith comes by hearing the Word. When we eat it up as a steady diet, we begin to crave it, and it begins to work its good purpose in us.
Where are we focused? The Psalmist wisely declares that he will set nothing wicked before his eyes (101:3). When our gaze is locked onto our God Who does not fail, we can exercise our faith even further to believe that every letter and every line of His Word was written for us.
What we put in determines what we give out to others! Let’s set our hearts uncompromisingly on God so that we joyfully radiate His goodness and love.
A Prayer for You Today...
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. As you fix your heart steadfastly on the Lord, may you overflow with praise and joy to His glory. He is great and greatly to be praised!