Today's Scripture | 1 John 2:15

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Our cravings are created and controlled by the things that we see, hear, and experience.

The entertainment industry banks on our susceptibility to the images that it broadcasts: the miracle cream that erases wrinkles, the protein shakes that promise the perfect body, the happily-ever-after portrayed by the beautiful couple living in the huge house with the perfect children.

Where are our eyes focused? Are we looking at the distractions of this world or the Gospel truth? Are we listening to the opinions of imperfect others, or are we tuned in to the revelations of God? Are we experiencing the pressure of unrealistic expectations or the peace of His Spirit?

In today’s verse, John warns us not to love the world or its things. We must guard our hearts against its allures. Love for this world squeezes out our love for the Father. Demanding our own way, coveting the goods and gadgets, desiring to feel important – all of these isolate us from God.

What do we crave most? Nothing must edge out God’s presence in our lives. Nothing should consume us more than our hunger for Him. Nothing else deserves our devotion and delight. Our priority is loving Him.

A Prayer for You Today...

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May you seek the kingdom of God and all His righteousness first and foremost, and He will be faithful to add everything that you need. Give praise to the only One worthy to receive it!