Happy New Year!
Stretching out before us are 365 days of bright promise and divine potential. How will we fill them up?
Let's DIVE in!
Some approach the shallow end of the pool, hold onto the handrail, and ease into the water. Others run straight at the deep end, hollering with joy, and cannonball themselves and splash up a massive tidal wave.
DIVE IN to 2025! Keep your head up and your eyes on Him, take a giant leap of faith (hold your nose if you must!), and anticipate the splash.
DIVE IN to Prayer! The Bible is crowded with people who needed Someone bigger than themselves, and it made them bold. Ask, seek, knock, and receive. Be audacious in prayer.
DIVE IN to God’s Word! This is the key way that He speaks to us. Discover Him and His will in those pages. He will show you great and mighty things. There are 2 ways to spend more time in the Word on the Heritage website! Read through the Bible in a year and/or read through Psalms and Proverbs in 150 days.
DIVE IN to Service! You were designed to serve others, created with good works in mind. If the world will know us by our love, how is His love demonstrated in your life? Volunteer in your community, we need you!
Let's make 2025 the year we really grow in our daily walk with the Lord. Let's be lighthouses of love and hope everywhere we go.
Here's a January 1, 2025 Prayer for You!
Heavenly Father, no more standing on the edge hoping, make us bravely jump all the way into 2025! May 2025 be the year we take the leap of faith and grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. We offer up our lives as a living sacrifice to You. Let's dive in together!
In Jesus’ name…amen.