Today's Scripture | John 15:8

When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified, and you show and prove yourselves to be true followers of Mine. (amp)

Our lives are not given to us for us to waste them. God desires that we bear good fruit on a regular basis. Doing good, being creative, helping others, accomplishing goals, and more, gives me a feeling of accomplishment, and I must admit that it feels really good. On the other hand, when I waste a day doing nothing, feeling sorry for myself, being lazy, that doesn’t feel good.

I am not suggesting that we need to spend all our time working, but we should be productive on a regular basis. Praying for others as we go about our day is productive. Being friendly and encouraging others is a simple way to bear good fruit.

It is easy to focus on people’s flaws and totally miss the good things about them, but we don’t have to be like that if we purpose to bear good fruit by making a big deal out of each good thing we notice about people.

You and I have the power to make someone else’s day awesome by being God’s voice and letting them hear through us the good things He sees in them. Make today and every day a special day by bearing good fruit that will honor God.

A Prayer for You Today...

Father, I love You very much. I want to bear good fruit and I need Your help in this, as I do in everything else in my life. I lean and rely on You to help me see various ways that I can make this day and every day fruitful! In Jesus' name, amen.