Today's Scripture 1 Corinthians 13:8

Love never fails.

 As Christians, we have the power to change people’s lives through love. When we reach out through ministries to unwed mothers, we are saying, “We love you.” When we reach out in the name of Christ to those in prison, we are saying, “We

love you.” When we reach out to the hungry through a food ministry, we are saying, “We love you.”

Paul said that love never fails. The truth is people cannot resist genuine love. This is
true for all of us. In fact, we’ll make fools out of ourselves to be loved. We’ll go places we shouldn’t go. We’ll spend money we shouldn’t spend. We’ll talk on the phone to people we should never be talking to.

Love will heal when nothing else can. Perhaps that’s why all the biblical commandments are based on loving God and loving our fellow man. If we look at the Ten Commandments, we see that the first four have to do with loving God, while the remaining six deal with loving people.

Love is all about how we respect God by how we treat other people. God knows that as long as we’re more concerned about ourselves than we are about others, we will never walk in true victory.